diseases of the physical body does not exist. First of all, it is
about the disease of the mental body, body of thought. This is how we
perceive this world. The consciousness of everyone it's his way of
thinking. On my website THE HOUSE OF THE THOUGHT .You will learn about the scientific
position of the esoteric nature: what is the idea, its functional
role in our lives and the basic principles of the laws of the
Universe that everyone should know living on the planet. Without this
information we cannot survive in the new conditions of the
environment that is
now created on the planet.Now
I share the information with You and explain the essence of such
diseases, as Oncology. No one can deny that this disease is gradually
gaining momentum. Now it affects not only on adults but also on
children. And the development of Oncology came to us with the
development of scientific and technological progress. I do not deny
the role of technology in our world, but with the equipment and
technical base of the Planet there has deteriorated not only the
environment but also our health. The condition of our environment
directly depends on our way of thinking. It was built by many
generations, but whole centuries. All compartments led us to a
deplorable state. And if at this stage we begin to work towards
expanding the boundaries of our consciousness, then we will win.I
want not only to give the theory but also to explain how to work in
space, in the field of thought. Knowledge is power. And with this
power You can control your body. But this is a grown man, and when
the child gets sick? Children under 7 years should not ill. Our
children are we ourselves. If children get ill, then you know it
hurts You, but through the child. Our body is in fact unique; it
listens to and hears us. And we, with the help of thought, can manage
this process.
of us thinks that he is separate physical shell with a brain
function, not associated with each other in any way. This is a
misconception. Our relationship is very closely connected to the
mental plane in the thought of the planet, the universe. It’s as a
single, whole living organism. Each of us carries out its function in
the Universe and plays an important role in the process of building a
space of our environment. It means that our environment – we’re
ourselves. We live in an age of mobile phones, the Internet. But even
our appliances can hear us, because it is in our field of thought.I
remember once I phoned up a friend on his cell phone, typing an extra
digit and still my mobile phone contacted him. When I painted the
picture of “Golden Millennium” I needed to see the kind of wings
from the sky, after two days of fruitless search on the Internet, I
gave up and started painting independently. Then a day later, opening
the laptop and typing in a search engine only the first word, it told
me and offers a correctly formulated question and gives the following
picture of a bird in the projection, as I was looking for. Is that a
coincidence or a common field of thought? But we don't want and often
don't believe that thoughts in the field can transmit information and
receive it. Not even aware of themselves as part of the information
field of the Planet. But
remember, as soon as You think about any person close to You, he will
either call you or will meet. You know, if You think about it, he
also thinks about You and You hear each other wherever. But nobody
takes into account because you don't know how space works in our
field thought environment. We hear and can freely transfer
information to each other without mobile devices, just by thinking
about it and mentally talking with him. This applies not only to
relatives but also to all those whom we love, who are worried and who
are always happy to see.So
what is Oncology? It is a cancer of consciousness. First of all, the
information included in the field of thought, and then manifests in
the physical body. The drugs will help us to slow down the process
but not eradicate the cause. Oncology – is an infectious disease in
the thought. I remember my friend's daughter got cancer of the skin
in the shoulder area. The girl was 15 years old. Friend appealed to
me. And what was the reason? This girl was a friend whose mother was
sick with cancer. But
the most interesting thing is that the father of the sick girl the
mother loved this other girl and they dated. And when the girl got
sick, the friend’s mother was diagnosed with cancer. Then, after I
through the stream, brought the reason, the girl eventually
recovered, now she got married and gave birth to a child. Mother and
the girlfriend started getting sick again. The infection vector for
the field environment of thought was the father. He took the
information of the disease itself, because he loved this woman, and
his daughter took the field and cleaned his father out of love for
him. Children are pure souls, so it is easier to take the disease on
them and cleaned the thought of the family. If a child is sick, find
the reason in the family, in the adult environment.